Changes to the notification of employment of foreigners and cross-border postings of employees from 1 July 2024

From July, as part of the ongoing digitisation of the state administration, important changes will be made to the notification of foreigners’ employment with Czech employers and cross-border postings of employees from other EU Member States to the Czech Republic.

It will be necessary to forget all the forms used so far, to submit printed notifications in paper form or to send them by e-mail to the electronic mailroom of the Labour Office (ÚP).

Notification of foreigners entering employment in the Czech Republic will now be possible only electronically:

  • by filling in the web form on the ÚP website,
  • by generating an XML file and sending it to the data box of the Office, or
  • by direct integration of the employer’s system with the interface of the MLSA.

The agenda of cross-border postings will be completely transferred from the Office of the Labour Inspectorate to the State Labour Inspection Office (SLOI). Foreign employers who post their employees to the Czech Republic will thus submit their notifications to the SLOI only through the new web registration portal. The only exception will apply to extensions, changes or terminations of postings initiated before 30 June 2024.

There will also be significant changes to the filing of any notices on behalf of another entity.

Czech and foreign employers should therefore pay attention to these changes, whether they file the notifications themselves or use other persons for this purpose.

Of course, we at the LTA are happy to advise you on any practical questions and help you find a method of filing that is optimal for your company.