The tax burden is a significant factor in business and insufficient treatment of tax risks can lead to additional costs. We offer solutions that lead to tax savings and minimise tax risks, including

  • preparation of tax returns and reports
  • income tax
  • VAT and customs duty
  • property-related taxes
  • social and health insurance
  • tax optimization and planning
  • representation in tax proceedings, including inspections
  • acquisitions, mergers and transformations of companies, restructuring
  • international taxation under double taxation treaties
  • cross-border secondment of employees
  • tax due diligence
  • taxation of individuals
  • transfer pricing
  • obtaining binding standpoints from the financial authorities
  • VAT refunds
  • tax registration.

In the field of accounting services, we provide

  • bookkeeping
  • payroll services
  • arranging for payment transactions
  • keeping tax records
  • preparation of financial statements
  • statements according to IAS/ IFRS
  • reporting and controlling.