Category Archives: NOVINKY

Decree No. 299/2023 Coll., which sets the amount of lump-sum reimbursement for remote work for employees

You have probably already noticed that on 1 October 2023 the long-awaited amendment to the Labour Code came into force, which, among other things, explicitly regulates the institution of remote working. It is in connection with remote work that we cannot omit Decree No. 299/2023 Coll., which sets the amount of lump-sum reimbursement of expenses

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LTA Audit team is ready in its full power!

LTA Audit team is ready in its full power. After detailed internal training regarding changes in legislation and the development of the auditor profession and its internal regulations, we are all ready to start the new season. We look forward to welcoming our existing and new clients and the mutual benefits of working together.

MGI Central Circle Meeting 2023 Prague

LTA Tax was a co-organizer of the Central European Circle Meeting 2023 conference of delegates of the international network MGI Worldwide, which brings together tax, accounting and audit consulting companies, of which LTA Tax is also a member. The conference, which took place on 14-15 September 2023 at the Lindner Hotel, was attended by over

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Changes in taxation of personal income The government’s proposal for measures and laws aimed at reducing the state budget deficit over the next two years, collectively referred to as the consolidation package or recovery package, is currently being debated in the Chamber of Deputies. Most of the measures proposed are expected to apply from 1

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Corporate get together party

We are very pleased that we had the opportunity to attend the Corporate get together party of our long-standing client Lindner Hotels Czech Republic. This pleasant meeting took place in the beautiful and unique hotel premises in the vicinity of Strahov Monastery. Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of Lindner Hotels AG and we wish the

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HR Alert

Following the signature of the amendment by the President of the Czech Republic, the amendment to the Labour Code was published in the Collection of Laws on 19 September 2023 under No. 281/2023 Coll.