Goodwill Run of the Olga Havlová Foundation


The charity run of the Olga Havel Goodwill Foundation reached us at LTA. We decided to get out of our chairs and formed 2 relay teams and also one runner participated in the 10km run. We ran out on Tuesday, September 12th on the track in the Hvězda preserve, hoping for new experiences. Our green team was not the biggest team that participated in the race, but our green was definitely sticking out. We supported and cheered for ourselves and each other. The atmosphere was great, and the commitment of the runners and organizers was amazing. There was a sense of victory for everyone, and that was because regardless of performance, we were collectively supporting a project that helps families in need. As the saying goes, those who have not experienced, will not understand. The smiles on our faces were not lost when watching the results – our relay team came 7th out of 52 company relays and the fantastic runner Mirka narrowly missed out on 3rd place in the individual race for 10 kilometres. Thanks to the generosity and enthusiasm of all the participants, the amount raised was over 650 thousand CZK, and we can only hope that future editions will bring more runners out of their chairs, even the holiday ones. 😊 Including us!

We share Olga Havel’s wishes and will continue to support charity projects.

We wish that those who live with a disability or mental illness, the abandoned and the old, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those who find themselves in need or caught up in an insidious illness, would also have the right to a dignified existence.” Olga Havlová